The bark is cleaned up
- Nepal hills

The process of making the Lamali Lokta paper

The fibers are beaten with a mallet
- Nepal hills

The process of making the Lamali Lokta paper

The Lokta pulp is poured on the wooden mould – Nepal hills

The process of making the Lamali Lokta paper

The wooden frames are left to dry under the sun – Nepal hills

The process of making the Lamali Lokta paper

Sheets sorting for the quality control - Kathmandu valley

The process of making the Lamali Lokta paper

Dying the Lokta sheets- Kathmandu valley.

The process of making the Lamali Lokta paper

After dying, the sheets are drying in the sun – Kathmandu valley

The process of making the Lamali Lokta paper

Our production unit – Kathmandu valley


Felt balls drying – Kathmandu valley

The felt production

Felt production - Kathmandu valley

The felt production

Felt products packaging – Kathmandu valley

The felt production

Inner tubes cleaning – New Delhi, India

Production of the Lamali Indian Truck collection – NGO Conserve, New Delhi, India

Clean inner tubes are drying – NGO Conserve, New Delhi, India

Production of the Lamali Indian Truck collection – NGO Conserve, New Delhi, India

Lamali stand - Maison et Objet fair, Paris

Lamali stand - Maison et Objet fair, Paris

Lamali stand - Maison et Objet fair, Paris

Lamali stand - Maison et Objet fair, Paris

Lamali stand - Maison et Objet fair, Paris

The Yangar village – Humla region, Western Nepal

The Yangar village – Humla region, Western Nepal

The Yangar village – Humla region, Western Nepal

The Yangar village – Humla region, Western Nepal

Himalayan Children’s society – Yalbang village, Humla, Nepal

Himalayan Children’s society – Yalbang village, Humla, Nepal

Himalayan Children’s society – Yalbang village, Humla, Nepal





Maison & Objet

Hall 1 E47


Hall 1.1 C11